オラシオ・キローガ 作, ミヤギユカリ 絵, だいこくかずえ 訳葉っぱの坑夫2017.8<Y9-N17-L158>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)00473428 00992167 00932379
ミヤギユカリ 著葉っぱの坑夫2013.11<KC482-L623>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading (ID)00992167
ミヤギユカリ 著Nieves、葉っぱの抗夫2008.11<KC482-J114>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)00992167
[by] Yukari MiyagiNieves and Happa-no-Kofuc2005<KC482-B30>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)00992167
木坂涼 詩, ミヤギユカリ 画理論社2005.4<KH271-H732>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)00340695 00992167
メアリー・オースティン アメリカ・インディアン口承詩からの英語訳, ミヤギユカリ 絵, だいこくかずえ 訳葉っぱの坑夫2005.9<KT3-H10>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)00929925 00992167 00932379
Masacova!, ミヤギユカリ, セキユリヲ, Paola Suhonen, 末宗美香子, 山口由起子 [著]ピエ・ブックス2005.11<YKD-H376>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading (ID)01016894 00992167 00906360
Masacova!, ミヤギユカリ, セキユリヲ, Paola Suhonen, 末宗美香子, 山口由起子 [著]ピエ・ブックス2005.11<YKD-H375>
National Diet Library
- Author Heading (ID)01016894 00992167 00906360
edited by Samuel M. Allen, Regis M. Pelloux, Robert Widmer ; co-sponsored by Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Boston Chapter, American Society for MetalsASMc1986
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)...7CDA00992156 DA00992167 https://ci.nii......ac.jp/author/DA00992167#entity https:/......urceID/NII%7CDA00992167 DA00992178 https://ci.nii.ac....
sponsored by the TMS-AIME Mechanical Metallurgy Committee at the fall meeting of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 18-19, 1979 ; edited by R.M. Pelloux and N.S. StoloffThe Societyc1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading (ID)DA00992167 https://ci.nii......ac.jp/author/DA00992167#entity https:/......urceID/NII%7CDA00992167 DA0086516X https://ci.nii.ac....