the Walt Disney Studio ;/pictures, Al Dempster ;/adapted, Steffi Fletcher from the motion picture “Pinocchio” ;/story adapted, Collodi/based on the storyUsagi Pub. Co.2001
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- Author Headingthe Walt Disney Studio ; Al Dempster ; Steffi Fletcher from the mo...
Sir James M. Barrie ;/based on the story, the Walt Disney Studio ;/illustrations, John Hench and/pictures adapted, Al DempsterUsagi Pub. Co.2001
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- Author HeadingSir James M. Barrie ; the Walt Disney Studio ; John Hench and Al Dempster
illustrations by the Walt Disney Studio ; pictures adapted by John Hench and Al DempsterA Golden Bookc2022
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pictures by the Walt Disney Studio ; adapted by Al Dempster from the motion picture ; based on the story by Lewis CarrollGolden Bookc2010
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illustratuins by the Walt Disney Studio ; adapted by Milt Banta , Al DempsterGolden Book2004
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based on the story by James M. Barrie ; illustrations by the Walt Disney Studio ; pictures adapted by John Hench , Al DempsterGolden Booksc2007
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the Walt Disney Studio ;/pictures, Al Dempster from the motion picture based on the story /adaptedUsagi Pub. Co.2001
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- Author Headingthe Walt Disney Studio ; Al Dempster from the motion picture based...
The Walt Disney Studio [作画], Al Dempster [作画], Lewis Carroll [原作], Kazuko Moki [訳・文]うさぎ出版2008
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Based on the story by Sir James M. Barrie ; Illustrations by the Walt Disney Studio ; Pictures adapted by John Hench and Al Dempster ; Translated and rewritten by Kazuko MokiUsagi Publishing2003.12
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pictures by the Walt Disney Studio ; adapted by Al Dempster ; from the motion picture based on the story by Lewis Carroll ; translated and rewritten by Kazuko MokiUsagi Publishing2003
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illustrationsbytheWaltDisneyStudio ; adaptedbyMiltBanta ; AlDempsterGolden Press1971
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Headingillustrations, by, the, Walt, Disney, Studio adapted, by, Milt, Banta Al, Dempster
from the motion picture “Peter Pan” based on the story by Sir James M. Barrie, illustrations by the Walt Disney Studio, pictures adapted by John Hench and, Al DempsterGolden Press1972
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retoldbymarionPalmer ; byJoelChandlerHarris ; picturesbyAlDempster ; byBillJustice ; [WaltDisney]Golden Books1979
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- Author Heading... pictures, by, Al, Dempster by, Bill, Justice [Walt, Disn...
WarnerBros.Cartoons pictures ; TomMcKimson ; AlDempsterSimon & Schuster1949
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWarner, Bros.Cartoons Tom, McKimson Al, Dempster
from the original "Uncle Remus" stories by Joel Chandler Harris ; retold by Marion Palmer ; pictures by Al Dempster and Bill JusticeGolden Press[1975], c1947
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pictures by the Walt Disney Studio, adapted by Al Dempster from the motion picture based on the story by Lewis Carroll, 〔Lewis Carroll〕Golden Press1972
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pictures by the Walt Disney Studio, adapted by Al Dempster, story adapted by Steffi Fletcher from the motion picture “Pinocchio” based on the story by Collodi, 〔Collodi〕Golden Press1972
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illustrations by The Walt Disney Studio ; adapted by Al DempsterGolden Press : Western Pub. Co.c1952
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The Walt Disney Studioillus. by, Al Dempsteradapted byWestern Pub. Co1952.0
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- Author HeadingThe Walt Disney Studio/illus. by Al Dempster/adapted by
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- Author HeadingTHE WALT DISNEY STUDIO/Illust. by AL DEMPSTER/Adapted by