Random House[2017]
Other Libraries in Japan
based on the Railway series by the Reverend W. AwdryRandom Housec2017
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Random House[2016]
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Awdry,W. 原作 Allcroft,Britt 作 W.オードリー 原作 ブリット・オールクロフト 作Random House2016
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illustrated by Richard CourtneyRandom Housec2013
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ブリット・オールクロフト 作, まだらめ三保 文ポプラ社2000.8<Y9-N01-200>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
ブリット・オールクロフト 作, まだらめ三保 文ポプラ社2000.9<Y9-N00-105>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
ブリット・オールクロフト 作, 小林たつよし まんが小学館2000.10<Y16-N00-32>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by the Rev. W. Awdry, adapted from the television story by Britt Allcroft, adapted from the television story by David MittonKaye & ward1986
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- Author HeadingW. Awdry Britt Allcroft David Mitton Awdry W. Allcroft Britt Mitton David