Ang Peng Hwa, Carol Soon.Institute of Policy Studies[2018]<UC41-P53>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAng, Peng Hwa. Soon, Carol. Institute of Pol...
editors, Tan Tarn How, Arun Mahizhnan, Ang Peng Hwa.World Scientific[2016]<AS6-251-P11>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingTan, Tarn How. Mahizhnan, Arun. Ang, Peng Hwa.
edited by Dal Yong Jin and Nojin Kwak, foreword by Peng Hwa Ang.Lexington Books[2018]<EC211-P14>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingJin, Dal Yong, 1964- Kwak, Nojin. Ang, Peng Hwa.
editors-in-chief, Robin Mansell and Peng Hwa Ang, associate editors, Pieter Ballon, Sandra Braman, David J. Grimshaw, James D. Ivory, Aphra Kerr, Dorothea Kleine, Charles Steinfield, and Shenja van der Graaf.John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.[2015]<ND2-B33>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingMansell, Robin. Ang, Peng Hwa.
Ang Peng Hwa, Carol SoonInstitute of Policy Studies : Straits Times Pressc2018
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Tan Tarn How , Arun Mahizhnan , Ang Peng HwaWorld Scientificc2016
Other Libraries in Japan
editors-in-chief, Robin Mansell and Peng Hwa Ang ; associate editors, Pieter Ballon ... [et al.]Wiley Blackwell2015
Other Libraries in Japan
compiled by Ang Peng Hwa and Yeo Tiong MinAsian Media Information and Communication Centrec1998
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Anura Goonasekera and Ang Peng HwaAsian Media Information and Communication Centre : School of Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological Universityc1999
Other Libraries in Japan