compiled by Belen B. Angeles and Rosemarie G. RosaliLibrary, School of Economics, University of the Philippines1987
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Rosali, Rosemarie G.
Institute of Economic Development and Research, University of the Philippines1970.<D1-161>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Cabato, Rachel.
compiled by Belen B. Angeles, Ofelia M. MarcosLibrary, School of Economics, University of the Philippines1984-1987
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Marcos, Ofelia M.
compiled by Belen B. Angeles and Rosemarie G. RosaliUniversity of the Philippines. School of Economics1982
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Rosali, Rosemarie G.
compiled by Belen B. Angeles ; assisted by Victorina G. EnriquezUniversity of the Philippines, School of Economics1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Enriquez, Victorina G. Univer...
by Belen B. Angeles and Rachel CabatoInstitute of Economic Development and Research, School of Economics, University of the Philippines,1970
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAngeles, Belen B. Cabato, Rachel