a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Document...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Paul E. Bugos JrDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Bugos, P...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; editing Lorenzo Saltzmann ; translation, Napoleon A. ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Saltzman...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Fischel,...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; edited by Michael Scott ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChagnon, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Scott, Michael Documentary Ed...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Lorenzo Saltzman and Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Saltzman...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Fischel,...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Fischel,...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; edited by Seth Reichlin and Paul BugosDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChagnon, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Reichlin, Seth Bugos, Paul Do...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; editing, Lorenzo Saltzmann, P. Emery Bugos JrDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Saltzman...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Laurence Salzmann and Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Salzmann...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; editing, Anne Fischel, Paul E. Bugos Jr. ; translation and narration, Napoleon A. ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...n, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Fischel, Anne Bugos, Paul E. ...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Lorenzo Saltzman ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Saltzman...
a film by Timothy Asch and Napoleon A. Chagnon ; edited by Anne Fischel ; translation by Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Fischel,...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; edited by Paul E. Bugos, Jr ; script and narration, Napoleon A. ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...n, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Bugos, Paul E. Documentary Ed...
compiled from the original work and film footage of Timothy Asch, Napoleon Chagnon ; compiled by Judith Nierenberg, Sue Marshall Cabezas ; edited by John BishopDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAsch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Nierenbe...
a film by James V. Neel, Timothy Asch, Napoleon A. Chagnon ; narration by James V. NeelDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...es Van Gundia) Asch, Timothy Chagnon, Napoleon A. Document...
[a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; editing, Napoleon A. Chagnon ... et al. ; script and narration, Napoleon A. Chagnon]Documentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingKa̧obawä Chagnon, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Documentary Educational Resou...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; edited by Frank Galvin ; script, translation and additional photography, Napoleon ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChagnon, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Galvin, Frank Documentary Edu...
a film by Napoleon A. Chagnon and Timothy Asch ; film editor and production manager, Paul E. Bugos Jr. ; script and translation, Napoleon A. ChagnonDocumentary Educational Resourcesc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingChagnon, Napoleon A. Asch, Timothy Bugos, Paul E. Documentary Ed...