National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCollignon, Stefan, 1951- Association for the Monetary Union of Europe.
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingCollignon, Stefan, 1951- Association for the Monetary Union of Europe.
Editions d'organisationc1990.<DE173-A37>
National Diet Library
- Note (General)...cial Research, Association for the Monetary Union of Europe. Translation of: A Strategy fo...
- Author Heading...cial Research. Association for the Monetary Union of Europe.
Conception/creation, Ficom[1992]<DE173-A52>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingAssociation for the Monetary Union of Europe. ECU Banking Association. 欧州共同...
edited by Stefan CollignonPinter1997
Other Libraries in Japan
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Association for the Monetary Union of Europe ; aus dem Englischen von Inge FranckVerlag Moderne Industriec1992
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Ray BarrellSage1992
Other Libraries in Japan
Ernst & Young ; the National Institute of Economic and Social Research [and] Association for the Monetary Union of Europe ; aus dem Englischen von Helga HöhleinModerne Industriec1991
Other Libraries in Japan
by Andrew Britton and David MayesSage1992
Other Libraries in Japan
a report prepared by Ernest & Young Management Consultants with the National Institute of Economic and Social Research for the Association for the Monetary Union of EuropeKogan Page1990
Other Libraries in Japan
Ernst & Young, The National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Association for the monetary Union of Europe ; traduit de l'anglais par Jean-Michel Behar ; préface de Jacques DelorsÉditions d'organisation1990
Other Libraries in Japan