THOMAS, J.K.// IYER, N.C.// BEGLEY, J.A. (WESTINGHOUSE SAVANNAH RIVER CO., AIKEN, SC (UNITED STATES))Washington Savannah River Company(Washington Savannah River Company)1992.
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Author HeadingTHOMAS, J.K. IYER, N.C. BEGLEY, J.A.
sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing of Metals, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlanta, Ga., 16-18 Nov. 1977, J.D. Landes, J.A. Begley, G.A. Clarke, editors1979
sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing of Metals, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlanta, Ga., 16-18 Nov. 1977 ; J.D. Landes, J.A. Begley, G.A. Clarke, editorsAmerican Society for Testing Materialsc1979