Su, N, Bradshaw, J. S, Savage, P. B, Xue, G, Krakowiak, K. E1999<LS-AD-A370492>
National Diet Library
Bradshaw, J. S, Zhang, X. X, Savage, P. B, Krakowiak, K. E, Izaft, R. M1999<LS-AD-A370489>
National Diet Library
Lamb, J. D, Izatt, R. M, Bradshaw, J. S, Shirts, R. B1996<LS-DE97/001768>
National Diet Library
Wiley & Sonsc1993.<PA325-A69>
National Diet Library
LAMB, J.D.// BRADSHAW, J.S.// SHIRTS, R.B.// IZATT, R.M. (BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIV., PROVO, UT (UNITED STATES). DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1993.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLAMB, J.D. BRADSHAW, J.S. SHIRTS, R.B. IZATT, R.M.
LAMB, J.D.// BRADSHAW, J.S.// IZATT, R.M. (BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIV., PROVO, UT (UNITED STATES). DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLAMB, J.D. BRADSHAW, J.S. IZATT, R.M.
Jerald S. Bradshaw, Krzystof E. Krakowiak, Reed M. IzattJ. Wileyc1993
Other Libraries in Japan
LAMB, J.D.// BRADSHAW, J.S.// IZATT, R.M. (BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIV., PROVO, UT (USA). DEPT. OF CHEMISTRY)United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1989.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLAMB, J.D. BRADSHAW, J.S. IZATT, R.M.