Grigg, M.W., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1994.
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Author Heading Grigg, M.W. Barnea, Z. Nugent, K.A., Gureyev, T.E., Cookson, D.F. [et al.] Melbourne Univ., School of Physics. Funding organisation: Australian Research Council, National Lab. for High Energy Physics, Photon Factory, Australian National Beamline Facility 1997.
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Author Heading Nugent, K.A. Gureyev, T.E. Cookson, D.F. Paganin, D. Barnea, Z. Grigg, M.W., Maslen, V.W., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1995.
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Author Heading Grigg, M.W. Maslen, V.W. Barnea, Z. Grigg, M.W., Keating, A., Brockwell, A. [et al.] Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1992.
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Author Heading Grigg, M.W. Keating, A. Brockwell, A. Barnea, Z. Stevenson, A.W., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1984.1.
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Author Heading Stevenson, A.W. Barnea, Z. Mika, J.F., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1984.1.
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Author Heading Mika, J.F. Barnea, Z. Stevenson, A.W., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1982.
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Author Heading Stevenson, A.W. Barnea, Z. Stevenson, A.W., Barnea, Z. Melbourne Univ., School of Physics 1982.
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Author Heading Stevenson, A.W. Barnea, Z. Physical Society of Japan 1946- <Z53-A404>
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