Jean - Paul Sartre ; translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. Barnes中国社会科学出版社1999.12
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSartre, Jean Paul Barnes, Hazel E.
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by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated by Hazel E. Barnes ; introduction by Mary WarnockRoutledge1969
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSartre, Jean Paul Barnes, Hazel E
Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. BarnesWashington Square Press1966
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSartre, Jean Paul Barnes, Hazel E
by Arthur Schopenhauer ; translated by T. Bailey Saunders ; edited with an introduction by Hazel E. BarnesUniversity of Nebraska Pressc1964
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchopenhauer, Arthur Saunders, Thomas Bailey Barnes, Hazel E.
Sartre,Jean-Paul/著, Barnes,Hazel E./訳,序文, ジャン・ポール・サルトル/著Citadel Press1956
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by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. BarnesWashington Square Pressc1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSartre, Jean Paul Barnes, Hazel E
by Jean-Paul Sartre ; translated and with an introduction by Hazel E. BarnesPhilosophical Libraryc1953
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSartre, Jean Paul Barnes, Hazel E.