National Diet Library
- Author HeadingBolliger, Max, 1929- Bauer, Fred.
illustrated by Norman Rockwell ; text by Fred BauerAbbeville Press[1988], c1980
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text by Fred BauerArtabrasc1980
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Fred BauerGuideposts1977
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a story by Max Bolliger ; with pictures by Fred BauerHamilton1974
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erzählt von Max Bolliger ; mit Bildern von Fred BauerArtemis-Verlag[1974]
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Doug Oldham with Fred BauerImpact Booksc1973
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BolligerMax ; picturesbyFredBauerHamish Hamilton Children's Books1974
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by Fred Bauer ; story by Peter RüfenachtH. Hamilton1972 , c1971
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by Brooks Robinson, with Fred BauerHawthorn Booksc1971
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Fred Bauer ; Erzählt von Peter RüfenachtArtemis-Verlag1971
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edited by Fred BauerHewitt Housec1969
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George Beverly Shea, with Fred BauerF.H. Revell Co.c1968
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George Beverly Shea with Fred BauerF.H. Revellc1968
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Lukian ; In der Übersetzung von Christoph Martin Wieland ; Mit 12 Illustrationen von Fred BauerArtemisc1967
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[by] George Beverly Shea with Fred BauerWorld Wide Pub.[197-]
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