トマス・H.クック 著, レスリー・ボーエム 原案, 冨永和子 訳竹書房2003.7<KS153-H134>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
トマス・H.クック 著, レスリー・ボーエム 原案, 富永和子 訳竹書房2003.9<KS153-H185>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin WaterfieldPearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin WaterfieldPearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
LeslieBohem/[screenplay] ; DeweyGram/novelization ; RobinWaterfield/retoldPearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
[story by John Skipp & Craic Spector and Leslie Bohem] ; [screenplay by Leslie Bohem] ; [directed by Stephen Hopkins]ギャガ・コミュニケーションズ [distributor]c2008
Other Libraries in Japan
Dewey Gram/著, Leslie Bohem/原案, Robin Waterfield/編, Andy Hopkins/編, Jocelyn Potter/編Pearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGram Dewey Bohem Leslie Waterfield Robin Hopkins Andy...
novelization by Thomas H. CookDell2002
Other Libraries in Japan
ロジャー・ドナルドソン監督 ; レスリー・ボーエン脚本ユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン (発売)c2003
Other Libraries in Japan
anovelbyMaxAllanCollins ; basedonthemotionpicturewrittenbyLeslieBohem.Boulevard Books1996.12.
Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin WaterfieldPearson Education1999
Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin WaterfieldPenguin Books1998
Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin WaterfieldAddison Wesley Longman1998
Other Libraries in Japan
イロナ・ハーツバーグ制作総指揮 ; ゲイル・アン・ハード, ジョセフ・M・シンガー制作 ; ロジャー・ドナルドソン監督 ; レスリー・ボーエン脚本パイオニアLDC(発売)c1997
Other Libraries in Japan