by Alfred Lord Tennyson ; with illustrations by Eleanor F. BrickdaleBell & Hymanc1979
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- Author HeadingTennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron Brickdale, Eleanor F.
[by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Adolphus William Ward ; and an original frontispiece by Byam Shaw . [by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Adolphus William Ward ; and an original frontispiece by Eleanor F. BrickdaleJefferson Pressc1907
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingShakespeare, William Ward, Adolphus William, Sir Shaw, Byam Brickdale, Eleanor F.
[by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Alice Meynell ; and an original frontispiece by Eleanor F. Brickdale . [by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Austin Dobson ; and an original frontispiece by W.H. MargetsonJefferson Pressc1907
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...tiana Thompson Brickdale, Eleanor F. Dobson, Austin Margetson, W.H...
[by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Jean Jules Jusserand ; and an original frontispiece by Eleanor F. Brickdale . [by William Shakespeare] ; with a special introduction by Henry James ; and an original frontispiece by Gertrude Demain HammondJefferson Pressc1907
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading.... (Jean Jules) Brickdale, Eleanor F. James, Henry Hammond, Gertrud...