edited Policy Planning Section, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentPolicy Planning Section, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government2024.9<A9-D31>
edited by: Management Section, Disaster Prevention Division, Bureau of General Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentManagement Section, Disaster Prevention Division, Bureau of General Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government2024.12<E9-D127>
editing: Internationalization Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau, the City of HiroshimaInternationalization Division, Citizens Affairs Bureau, the City of Hiroshima2022.12<E9-D93>
Planning and Coodination Division, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government [編]General Affairs Division, Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Govt.2010-<Z61-J679>
National Diet Library
Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)Tokyo Waterworks BureauBureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropol...
edited by: Management Section, Disaster Prevention Division, Bureau of General Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentManagement Section, Disaster Prevention Division, Bureau of General Affairs, Tokyo Metropolitan Government2023.12<E9-D109>
edited Policy Planning Section, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan GovernmentPolicy Planning Section, General Affairs Division, Bureau of Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government2023.9<A118-D34>
Customer Service Section, Bureau of Transportation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government [編]Bureau of Transportation, Tokyo Metropolitan Government[19--]-<Z61-J901>
National Diet Library
Authority(Author Heading/altLabel)東京都交通局総務部 都営交通 Transportation Bureau of Tokyo Metro......tan Government Bureau of Transportation, Tokyo Metr...