narrative by Ric Burns and James Sanders ; picture editor, Lisa AdesKnopf2021
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBurns, Ric Sanders, James Ades, Lisa
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBurns, Ric. Sanders, James, 1955- Ades, ...
Ric Burns and Alan Feuer ; paintings by Frederick BrosenVendome Pressc2005
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBurns, Ric Feuer, Alan Brosen, Frederick
narrative by Ric Burns and James Sanders ; picture editor, Lisa AdesKnopfc2003
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBurns, Ric Sanders, James Ades, Lisa
narrative by Ric Burns and James Sanders ; picture editor, Lisa AdesKnopf1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBurns, Ric Sanders, James Ades, Lisa
narrative by Geoffrey C. Ward ; based on a documentary filmscript by Geoffrey C. Ward, Ric Burns, and Ken Burns ; with contributions by Don E. Fehrenbacher ...[et al.]Vintage Books1994, c1990
Other Libraries in Japan
narrative by Geoffrey C. Ward ; based on a documentary filmscript by Geoffrey C. Ward, Ric Burns, and Ken Burns ; with contributions by Don E. Fehrenbacher ... [et al.]Knopf1992
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWard, Geoffrey C. Burns, Ken Burns, Ric Fehrenbacher, Don Edward
narrative by Geoffrey C. Ward ; based on a documentary filmscript by Geoffrey C. Ward, Ric Burns, and Ken Burns ; with contributions by Don E. Fehrenbacher ... [et al.]Knopf1990
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingWard, Geoffrey C. Burns, Ric Burns, Ken