Giovanni Reale ; translated from the tenth edition and edited by John R. Catan and Richard DaviesCatholic University of America Pressc1997
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- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R. Davies, Richard
Giovanni Reale ; edited and translated from the fifth Italian edition [by] John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1990
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- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R.
Giovanni Reale ; edited and translated from the fifth Italian edition by John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1990
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- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R.
Hans Joachim Krämer ; edited and translated by John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1990
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- Author HeadingKrämer, Hans Joachim Catan, John R.
Giovanni Reale ; translated and edited from the fourth Italian edition [by] John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1987
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- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R.
Giovanni Reale ; edited and translated from the third Italian edition [by] John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1985
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- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R.
edited by John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1981
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- Author HeadingOwens, Joseph Catan, John R.
edited by John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1980
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- Author HeadingOwens, Joseph Catan, John R.
by Giovanni Reale ; authorized translation from the 3d ed. edited and translated by John R. CatanState University of New York Pressc1980
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingReale, Giovanni Catan, John R.