J.L. クリスチャン 著, 日本外政協会太平洋問題調査部 訳大空社2016.9<GE581-L29>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
by John L. ChristianCollins1945
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by John Leroy ChristianUMI Books Demand1946
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- Author HeadingChristian, John Leroy. Institute of Pacific Relation...
by John LeRoy Christian ; with a foreword by Reginald Hugh Dorman-SmithThacker1945
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by John LeRoy ChristianSecretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations1942
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National Diet Library
Thacker & Company, limited1945.<915.91-C555b>
National Diet Library
by John Leroy Christian. Issued under the auspices of the International secretariat, Institute of Pacific relationsUniversity of California Press1942
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University of California Press1942.<959.1-C555m>
National Diet Library
PaperMicroformDigital図書障害者向け資料あり ジョン・ルロイ・クリスチャン 著, 日本外政協会太平洋問題調査部 訳同盟通信社昭和18<292.38-C58ウ>
Available onlineNational Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John Leroy Christians.n.19 ]
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- Author HeadingChristian, John LeRoy. Institute of Pacific Relation...