Dónal P. O'Mathúna, Bert Gordijn, Mike Clarke, editorsSpringerc2014
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingO'Mathúna, Dónal Gordijn, Bert Clarke, Mike
edited by Timothy Clark, Mike Wright, David J. Ketchen, Jr.Edward Elgar2017, c2016
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Timothy Clark, Mike Wright, David J. Ketchen, JrEdward Elgar Pub.c2016
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Caroline Clarke, Mike Broussine and Linda Watts ; foreword by Stephen FinemanRoutledge2015
Other Libraries in Japan
Dónal P. O'Mathúna, Bert Gordijn, Mike Clarke, editorsSpringerc2014
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingO'Mathúna, Dónal Gordijn, Bert Clarke, Mike, active 2014
Mike Clark and the Rails communityPragmatic Bookshelfc2008
Other Libraries in Japan
Mike ClarkThe Pragmatic Bookshelfc2004
Other Libraries in Japan
デビッド・トーマス, アンドリュー・ハント, マイク・クラーク 著, 長瀬嘉秀 監訳, テクノロジックアート 訳アスキー2005.4<M159-H1145>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
Dave Thomas [ほか] 著 ; 前田修吾監訳オーム社2007.10
Other Libraries in Japan
written by Mike Clark and Stuart Traynor ; illustrated by Adi Dunlop[Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory]c1987
Other Libraries in Japan