Revolution Studios presents, in association with 1492 Pictures, a Tribeca production, a Chris Columbus film ; produced by Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro ; book, music, and lyrics by Jonathan Larson ; screenplay by Stephen Chbosky ; directed by Chris ColumbusParamount Picturesc2013
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Author HeadingRosenthal, Jane De Niro, Robert Larson, Jonathan Columbus, Chris
produced by Shawn Levy, Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan ; written by Robert Ben Garant & Thomas Lennon ; directed by Shawn Levy20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン [distributor]c2009
Other Libraries in Japan
Author HeadingLevy, Shawn Columbus, Chris Barnathan, Michael Garant, Ro...
produced by Shawn Levy, Chris Columbus, Michael Barnathan ; written by Robert Ben Garant & Thomas Lennon ; directed by Shawn Levy20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン [distributor]c2009
Other Libraries in Japan
Author HeadingLevy, Shawn Columbus, Chris Barnathan, Michael Garant, Ro...
screenplay by Chris Columbus ; story by Steven Spielberg ; produced by Richard Donner and Harvey Bernhard ; directed by Richard Donnerワーナー・ホーム・ビデオ [distributor]c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
Author HeadingColumbus, Chris Spielberg, Steven Donner, Ric...