edited by Gerry Hambling ; based on the autobiographical book proved innocent by Gerry Conlon ; screenplay by Terry George & Jim Sheridan ; produced and directed by Jim Sheridanユニバーサル・ピクチャーズ・ジャパン [distributor]c2006
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GerryConlonPenguin Books1993.
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Gerry ConlonPlume1993, c1990
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Gerry Conlon/著Plume Book1993.12
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- Author HeadingConlon Gerry GERRY CONLON ゲリー・コンロン
Gerry ConlonPenguin1991, c1990
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Gerry ConlonPenguin Books1991
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ゲリー・コンロン 著, 水上峰雄 訳集英社1994.10<KS153-E736>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan