Written by Bruce Hale, Illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by Charles Grosvenor, Colors by David CuttingHarperc2018
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- Author HeadingHale Bruce Grosvenor Charles David Cutting Hoff Syd Cutting David
Written by Bruce Hale, Illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by Charles Grosvenor, Color by David CuttingHarperc2018
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- Author HeadingHale Bruce Grosvenor Charles David Cutting Hoff Syd Cutting David
Syd Hoff ; written by Bruce Hale ; illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by David CuttingHarperc2017
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Syd Hoff ; written by Bruce Hale ; illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by David CuttingHarperc2015
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by Bruce Hale ; pictures in the style of Syd Hoff by Charles Grosvenor and David A. CuttingHarperc2019
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Written by Bruce Hale, Pictures in the style of Syd Hoff by Charles Grosvenor, Pictures in the style of Syd Hoff by David A. CuttingHarperc2020
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHale Bruce Grosvenor Charles David A. Cutting Hoff Syd A. Cutting David
written by Bruce Hale ; illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by David CuttingHarper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishersc2017
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written by Bruce Hale ; illustrated in the style of Syd Hoff by David CuttingHarper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishersc2015
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