Paper Recording Media 図書 障害者向け資料あり デイヴ・デ・ウィット 著, 須川綾子, 富岡由美 訳 原書房 2009.4 <GG524-J8>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading DeWitt, Dave 須川, 綾子 富岡, 由美 Keshavaram, Gangalore, Seiler, David, DeWitt, Dave 2000 <M-SAE-2000-01-1291>
National Diet Library
DaveDewitt ほか著 ; EduardoFuss 写真 Periplus editions(HK) 1998
Other Libraries in Japan
Dave DeWitt, Mary Jane Wilan, Melissa T. Stock ; illustrations by Lois Bergthold Prima Pub. c1998
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading DeWitt, Dave Wilan, Mary Jane Stock, Melis... essays and recipes by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach ; photography by Eduardo Fuss ; styling by Christina Ong ; additional recipes from Kit Baum ... [et al.] Periplus 1998
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading DeWitt, Dave Gerlach-Spriggs, Nancy Fuss, ... Dave DeWitt & Paul W. Bosland Ten Speed Press c1993
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading DeWitt, Dave Bosland, Paul W. [editor, Russell P.O. Beach] ; [art editor, Dave Austin] Automobile Association 1979
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading Beach, Russell P. O. DeWitt, Dave Automobile Association (Great...