written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editor, Michael Duly ; produced & directed by Martina Hall ; executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2002
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Hall, Martina Davidson, Marti...
written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editor, Michael Duly ; director & executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Davidson, Martin
written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editor, Michael Duly ; produced & directed by Ian Bremner ; executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Bremner, Ian Davidson, Martin
written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editor, Michael Duly ; produced & directed by Clare Beavan ; executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Beavan, Clare Davidson, Marti...
written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editors, Michael Duly, Alice Forward ; produced and directed by Ian Bremner ; executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Forward, Alice Bremner, Ian D...
written and presented by Simon Schama ; film editors, Michael Duly, Brand Thumin ; produced & directed by Tim Kirby, Martina Hall ; executive producer, Martin Davidson丸善c2001
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchama, Simon Duly, Michael Brand, Thumin Kirby, Tim Hall...