photography, Luuk Kramer, Ronald Tilleman ; texts, Maarten Kloos, Hans van Heeswijk ; foreword by Axel Rüger ; [translation and editing, Peter Mason, Robyn de Jong]Nai010 Publishersc2015
Gerd Rosenbusch, Matthijs Oudkerk, Ernst Ammann ; with contributions by H. Becker ... [et al.] ; English language edition, Peter F. WinterBlackwell Sciencec1995
editor, Willem Drechsel ; translation from the Dutch by Jacky Meijer ; photo editing, Peter Homan ; overall final editing, Christine WaslanderKegan Paul International1992
translation from the Dutch by Jacky ter Horst-Meijer ; photo editing, Peter Homan ; overall final editing, Christine WaslanderKegan Paul International1992, c1990
exquisite artefacts from ancient time to the 20th century ; Jan Divis̈ ; editor of the English edition: Peter Hornsby ; [translated from the Czech by Till Gottheinerová]Hamlyn1991
Elisabeth Biasio ; mit einem Beitrag von Wolfgang Bender ; [Redaktion, Peter R. Gerber ; Übersetzungen, Derrick H. Stone Jr., Helga Tobias] = Elisabeth Biasio ; with a contribution by Wolfgang Bender ; [editing, Peter R. Gerber ; translations, Derrick H. Stone Jr., Helga Tobias]Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich1989
freely arranged piano solo by Grieg, Edvard from the original norwegian hardanger fiddle tunes as trascribed by Johan Halvorsen (edition peters 3038)C.F. Peters[19--]