JaneCarruth ; illustratedbyElisabethEmbleton ; illustratedbyGeraldEmbletonThe Hamlyn Publishing1977
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retold by Jane Carruth ; illustrated by Elisabeth and Gerry EmbletonCollins+World1975, c1973
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarruth, Jane Embleton, Elisabeth Embleton, G. A. (Gerry A.)
JaneCarruth.illustrated retoldHamlyn1973
Other Libraries in Japan
retold by Jane Carruth ; illustrated by Elisabeth and Gerry EmbletonHamlyn1973
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarruth, Jane Embleton, Elisabeth Embelton, Gerry
illus.deElisabethetGerryEmbleton ; d’apre‘sCharlesPerraultEditions R. S. T.1973
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d'après Charles Perrault ; illustrations de Elisabeth et Gerry EmbletonÉditions R.S.T.1973
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingPerrault, Charles Embleton, Elisabeth Embleton, Gerry
retold by Jane Carruth ; illustrated by Elisabeth and Gerry EmbletonHamlyn1972
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarruth, Jane Embleton, Elisabeth Embleton, Gerry Collodi, Carl...
by Charles Perrault ; retold by Jane Carruth ; illustrated by Elisabeth and Gerry EmbletonHamlyn1973
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarruth, Jane Perrault, Charles Embleton, Elisabeth Embleton, G. A. (Gerry A.)
retold by Jane Carruth ; illustrated by Elisabeth and Gerry EmbletonHamlyn1972
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingCarruth, Jane Embleton, Elisabeth Embleton, Gerry Perrault, Cha...