by Austin E. Fife ; edited by Alta FifeUMI Research Pressc1988
Other Libraries in Japan
by Austin and Alta FifeUniversity of Utah Press1980
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Austin E. and Alta S. Fife ; music editor: Mary Jo Schwab ; with illustrations by J.K. RalstonBramhall House1982
Other Libraries in Japan
edited by Austin and Alta Fife and Henry H. GlassieUtah State University Press1969
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingFife, Austin E. Fife, Alta (Stephens) Glassie, Henry H.
edited by Austin E. and Alta S. Fife ; music editor: Mary Jo Schwab ; with illustrations by J.K. RalstonC.N. Potter1969
Other Libraries in Japan
by N. Howard ("Jack") Thorp ; variants, commentary, notes and lexicon by Austin E. and Alta S. Fife ; music editor: Naunie GardnerBramhall Housec1966
Other Libraries in Japan
by N. Howard ("Jack") Thorp ; variants, commentary, notes and lexicon by Austin E. and Alta S. Fife ; music editor, Naunie GardnerC.N. Potterc1966
Other Libraries in Japan
by Austin and Alta FifeIndiana University Press1956
Other Libraries in Japan