FINCH, W.I.// GRUNDY, W.D.// PIERSON, C.T.// KORK, J.O. (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, DENVER, CO (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1993.
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MCCAMMON, R.B.// FINCH, W.I.// GRUNDY, W.D.// PIERSON, C.T. (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON, VA (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1992.
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uranium deposits database by W.I. Finch, P. Molina, S.S. Naumov ... [et al.] ; map production by the Geological Survey of Canada under contract to the IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency1995
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- Author HeadingFinch, W. I. Molina-Negro, P. Naumov, S. S...
MCCAMMON, R.B.// FINCH, W.I.// GRUNDY, W.D.// PIERSON, C.T. (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON, VA (UNITED STATES))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1991.
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MCCAMMON, R.B.// FINCH, W.I.// GRUNDY, W.D.// PIERSON, C.T. (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON, VA (USA))United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy)1990.
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