Johnny Issaluk ; edited by Louise Flaherty, Neil Christopher, and Thomas Anguti JohnstonInhabit Mediac2012
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- Author HeadingIssaluk, Johnny Flaherty, Louise Christopher, Neil Johnston, T...
edited by Neil Christopher, Noel McDermott, Louise Flaherty ; researched, compiled, and annotated by Neil Christopher ; introduction and chapter notes by Noel McDermottInhabit Mediac2011
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- Author HeadingChristopher, Neil McDermott, Noel Flaherty, Louise
written by Rachel A. Qitsualik ; illustrated by Emily Fiegenschuh, Larry MacDougall ; edited by Louise Flaherty and Neil ChristopherInhabit Mediac2011
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- Author HeadingQitsualik-Tinsley, Rachel Fiegenschuh, Emily MacDougall, Larry Flaherty, Louise Christopher, Neil
gathered, written, and translated by Mark Kalluak ; illustrated by Mark Kalluak ; edited by Neil Christopher and Louise FlahertyInhabit Mediac2010
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- Author HeadingKalluak, Mark Christopher, Neil Flaherty, Louise
retold by Ibi Kaslik ; illustrated by Anthony Brennan ; foreword by Louise Flaherty ; [editors, Louise Flaherty and Neil Christopher]Inhabit Mediac2010
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- Author HeadingKaslik, Ibi Brennan, Anthony Flaherty, Louise Christopher, Neil