written by Scott Alexander & Larry Karaszewski ; produced by Oliver Stone, Janet Yang and Michael Hausman ; directed by Milos FormanSüddeutsche Zeitung Cinemathek2010
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Author HeadingForman, Miloš Alexander, Scott Karaszewski,...
Xuxa presents ; executive producer, Paul Zaentz ; produced by Saul Zaentz ; written by Milos Forman, Jaen-Claude Carrière ; directed by Milos Forman[Distributed], manufactured by Sony Pictures Entertainment (Japan)c2009
Other Libraries in Japan
Author HeadingXusa Zaentz, Paul Zaentz, Saul Forman, Miloš Carrière, Jaen-Claude
Produced by Saul Zaentz ; Written by Milos Forman, Jaen-Claude Carrière ; Directed by Milos FormanSony Pictures Entertainment (Japan) [distributor]c2009
directed by Milos Forman ; produced by Saul Zaentz ; original stage play and screenplay by Peter Shaffer ; music condacted and supervised by Sir Neville Marrinerワーナーホームビデオ[distributor] , c2003
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Author HeadingForman, Miloš Zaentz, Saul Shaffer, Peter M...
screenplay by Lawrence Hauben and Bo Goldman ; based on the novel by Ken Kesey ; produced by Saul Zaentz & Michael Douglas ; directed by Milos FormanManufactured and distributed by Warner Home Videoc2002
Other Libraries in Japan
Author HeadingHauben, Lawrence Goldman, Bo Kesey, Ken Zaentz, Saul Douglas, Michael Forman, Miloš Nicholson, Jack