by Joel Williams and Tobia Bressler ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1960
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- Author HeadingWilliams, Joel Bressler, Tobia Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
by Marthine V. Woodward ; under the general direction of Joel Williams and Emery M. FosterU.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare1960
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- Author HeadingWoodward, Marthine V. Williams, Joel Foster, Emery M.
Samuel Schuloss and Carol Joy Hobson prepared this chapter ; Emery M. Foster, had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchuloss, Samuel Hobson, Carol Joy Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Lester B. Herlihy planned the report, supervised preparation of the tables, and wrote the text ; Joel Williams and Emery M. Foster had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHerlihy, Lester B. Williams, Joel Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Walter H. Gaumnitz, Emanuel Reiser, and Mary Anne Harvey planned the survey, supervised the gathering and processing of the data, and wrote the report ; Emery M. Foster had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...vey, Mary Anne Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Gerald Kahn planned the report, supervised preparation of the tables, and wrote the text ; Emery M. Foster and Joel Williams had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingKahn, Gerald Foster, Emery M. Williams, Joel United States...
by Ward S. Mason ; with the assistance of Robert J. Dressel and Robert K. Bain ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterU.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education1958
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMason, Ward S. Dressel, Robert J. Bain, Robert K. Foster, Emery M.
text prepared by Nora E. Beust and Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1957
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBeust, Nora E. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Henry G. Badger planned the report, supervised preparation of the national tables, and wrote the text ; Mabel C. Rice supervised the collection of the data, verification of returns, and preparation of the basic State tables ; Justin C. Lewis and Emery M. Foster had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...wis, Justin C. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Rose Marie Smith and W. Vance Grant prepared this chapter ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1957
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSmith, Rose Marie Grant, W. Vance Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Samuel Schuloss, specialist in educational statistics ; and Carol Joy Hobson, research assistant ; prepared this chapter under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchuloss, Samuel Hobson, Carol Joy Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Lester B. Herlihy prepared this chapter ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHerlihy, Lester B. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Rose Vainstein supervised analysis of data and prepared the text of this report ; planned in its initial stages by Ralph M. Dunbar ; Doris C. Holladay and Mary M. Willhoite edited the statistical reports and prepared the tables ; Frank L. Schick and Emery M. Foster and Joel Williams had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1959
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...hick, Frank L. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Lester B. Herlihy, prepared this chapter ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1955
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHerlihy, Lester B. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Samuel Schloss, specialist in educational statistics ; and Carol Joy Hobson, research assistant ; prepared this chapter under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1955
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSchloss. Samuel Hobson, Carol Joy Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Rose Marie Smith prepared this chapter ; under the general direction of Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1955
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingSmith, Rose Marie Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
prepared by Willard O. Mishoff and Emery M. FosterG.P.O.1954
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMishoff, Willard O. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Henry G. Badger and M. Clemens Johnson planned the report, supervised preparation of the national tables, and wrote the text ; Mabel C. Rice supervised the collection of the data, verification of returns, and preparation of the basic State tables ; Emery M. Foster had general direction of the studyG.P.O.1958
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...Rice, Mabel C. Foster, Emery M. United States. Office of Edu...
Henry G. Badger planned the report, supervised preparation of the national tables, and wrote the text ; under the general direction of Emery M. Foster ; Mabel C. Rice supervised the analysis of returns, and preparation of the basic State tables ; under the general direction of Sidney J. ArmoreG.P.O.1957
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBadger, Henry G. Foster, Emery M. Rice, Mabel C. Armore, Sidne...
Henry G. Badger planned the report, supervised preparation of the national tables, and wrote the text ; under the general direction of Emery M. Foster ; Mabel C. Rice supervised the collection of data, analysis of returns, and preparation of the basic State tables ; under the general direction of William A. JaraczG.P.O.1956
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingBadger, Henry G. Foster, Emery M. Rice, Mabel C. Jaracz, Willi...