Reto Francioni, Robert A. Schwartz, editors, with the assistance of John Byrne and Stephanie Wlkoborsky.Springer Nature2017.<DF178-B57>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingFrancioni, Reto. Schwartz, Robert A.
Reto Francioni, Robert A. Schwartz, editors ; with the assistance of John Byrne and Stephanie WelkoborskySpringerc2017
Other Libraries in Japan
Robert A. Schwartz, Reto Francioni, Bruce W. WeberJ. Wileyc2006
Other Libraries in Japan
Robert A. Schwartz, Reto FrancioniJ. Wiley & Sonsc2004
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von Reto FrancioniSchulthessc1987
Other Libraries in Japan
G.-M.グロイエル, R.レンメルト, G.ルップレヒト 編, 戸瀬信之, 丸山文綱 訳シュプリンガー・ジャパン2009.10<DA49-J69>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
G.-M.グロイエル, R.レンメルト, G.ルップレヒト編 ; 戸瀬信之, 丸山文綱訳丸善出版2012.1
Other Libraries in Japan