adapted from the novelization by David A. Adler ; retold by Brent FurnasPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAdler, David A. Furnas, Brent
adapted from the junior novelization by Dina Anastasio ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by William Broyles, Jr. & Al Reinert, and John Sayles ; based on the book Lost moon by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger ; retold by Brent FurnasPearson Education2008, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...luger, Jeffrey Furnas, Brent
David A. Adler/編, Brent Furnas/編, Andy Hopkins/編, Jocelyn Potter/編Pearson Education2008
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAdler David A. Furnas Brent Hopkins Andy Potter Jocelyn
JimLovell/originalauthor ; JeffreyKluger/originalauthor ; WilliamBroyles,Jr./screenplay ; AlReinert/screenplay ; JohnSayles/screenplay ; DinaAnastasio/novelization ; BrentFurnas/retoldPearson Education2008
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Anonymous ; retold by Brent FurnasAddison Wesley Longman1999
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- Author HeadingFurnas, Brent
Brent FurnasPearson Education1998
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingFurnas, Brent
Anonymous ; retold by Brent FurnasPearson Education1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingFurnas, Brent
Brent FurnasAddison Wesley Longman1998
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- Author HeadingFurnas, Brent
byBrentFurnasPenguin readers,1998.
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adapted from the novelization by David A. Adler ; retold by Brent FurnasPearson Educationc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingAdler, David A. Furnas, Brent
adapted from the junior novelization by Dina Anastasio ; based on the motion picture screenplay written by William Broyles, Jr. & Al Reinert, and John Sayles ; based on the book Lost moon by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger ; retold by Brent FurnasPearson Education2001, c1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...luger, Jeffrey Furnas, Brent
by Robert Tine ; based on a screenplay by Tony Puryear and Walon Green ; and the story by Tony Puryear and Walon Green and Michael S. Chernuchin ; retold by Brent FurnasPenguin1997
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingTine, Robert Puryear, Tony Green, Walon Chernuchin, Michael S. Furnas, Brent