デュウィ・グラム [著], 本間有 訳 新潮社 2003.7 <KS157-H41>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Paper Recording Media 図書 障害者向け資料あり デュウィ・グラム [著], 安原和見 訳 新潮社 2002.1 <KS157-G408>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
デューイ・グラム 著, 大野晶子 訳 ソニー・マガジンズ 2000.6 <KS157-G293>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
デューイ・グラム 著, 伏見威蕃 訳 二見書房 1997.3 <KS157-G89>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
デューイ・グラム 著, 岡山徹 訳 徳間書店 1997.4 <KS157-G96>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
adaptedfromthenovelbyDeweyGram. ; ; ; ; retoldbyAnnetteKeen. Pearson Education Limited 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
デュウィ・グラム 著, 楠木成文 訳 ソニー・マガジンズ 1995.3 <KS162-E319>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin Waterfield Pearson Education 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
a novelization by Dewey Gram ; based on the motion picture written by Leslie Bohem ; retold by Robin Waterfield Pearson Education 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
LeslieBohem/[screenplay] ; DeweyGram/novelization ; RobinWaterfield/retold Pearson Education 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novel by Dewey Gram ; based on the screenplay by David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson ; retold by Annette Keen Pearson Education 2008, c2000
Other Libraries in Japan
adapted from the novel by Dewey Gram ; based on the screenplay by David Franzoni, John Logan and William Nicholson ; retold by Annette Keen Pearson Education 2008, c2000
Other Libraries in Japan
Dewey Gram/編, Annette Keen/編 Pearson Education 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
デュウィ・グラム [著], 斉藤伯好 訳 新潮社 1993.11 <KS157-E341>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
デューイ・グラム 著, 染田屋茂 訳 扶桑社 1993.1 <KS157-E313>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
Dewey Gram/著, Leslie Bohem/原案, Robin Waterfield/編, Andy Hopkins/編, Jocelyn Potter/編 Pearson Education 2008
Other Libraries in Japan
D.グラム, D.デル=アミーコ 著, 斉藤伯好 訳 扶桑社 1994.7 <KS157-E392>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
byDeweyGram Onyx Book 2000.
Other Libraries in Japan
by Dewey Gram ; Retold by Annette Keen Pearson Education 2001
Other Libraries in Japan
デュウィ・グラム [著] ; 安原和見訳 新潮社 2002.1
Other Libraries in Japan