J.J.ガードナー 著, ジョン・エスコット 再話, 石川勝, 真砂久晃 編注南雲堂フェニックス2000.1<Y45-H1147>
National Diet Library
- Author HeadingGardner, J. J
J.J.ガードナー 作, 橘高弓枝 訳偕成社1997.12<Y7-M98-34>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGardner, J. J 橘高, 弓枝
a novel by J.J. Gardner ; based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1998
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGardner, J. J. Escott, John
by J.J. Gardner ; based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPearson Education1999, c1998
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGardner, J. J. Solomon, Edward S. Escott, J...
a novel by J. J. Gardner based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPenguin1998
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingGardner, J. J
byJ.J.Gardner ; basedonascreenstoryandscreenplaybyEdSolomon ; retoldbyJohnEscott ; serieseditorsbyAndyHopkins ; serieseditorsbyJocelynPotterPenguin readers,1999.
Other Libraries in Japan
J.J.ガ-ドナ- 作, 橘高弓枝 訳偕成社1997年
Other Libraries in Japan