Robert Barton ; illustrated by David Nockels ; consultant: Sir George Deacon ; maps by Geographical Projects LondonHeinemann1974
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- Author HeadingBarton, Robert Nockels, David Deacon, George Edward Raven, Sir Geographical Projects
introd. by Sir Francis Chichester; text by Gail Roberts; maps by Geographical ProjectsCrown Publishers1973
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- Author HeadingRoberts, Gail Geographical Projects
with an introduction by Sir Francis Chichester ; maps by Geographical Projects ; text by Gail RobertsAldus Booksc1973
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- Author HeadingRoberts, Gail Geographical Projects Chichester, Francis, Sir
Paul Hamlyn1966
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- Note (General)Includes index Designed and produced by Geographical projects (Aldus books limited)
- Author HeadingGeographical projects
Michael Tweedie ; illustrated by Tony Swift & Adrian Williams ; maps by Geographical Projects LondonJohn Day Co[1974]
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Illustrated by Adrian Williams & David Nockels ; Maps by Geographical ProjectsJohn Day Co.1972
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by Cathy Jarman ; Illustrated by Peter Warner & Tony Swift ; Maps by Geographical ProjectsJohn Day Co.1972
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Frank Debenham ; introduction by Bertrand RussellRathbone Brooks1958
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- Note (General)Shadow relief maps by Geographical Projects Ltd. ; old maps redrawn by Pe...
- Author HeadingDebenham, Frank Geographical Projects Ltd Sullivan, Peter Kempster ...