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National Diet Library
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National Diet Library
Wolfe, W.P. [et al.]Sandia National Lab.1996.
Other Libraries in Japan
INGBER, M.S.// HAILEY, C.E. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (USA))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
HAILEY,C.E.//CLARK, E.L.//COLE,J.K.(SANDIA NATIONAL LABS.,ALBUQUERQUE,NM(USA))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1991.
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHAILEY,C.E. CLARK, E.L. COLE,J.K.
SUNDBERG, W.D.// MCBRIDE, D.D.// GWINN, K.W.// WAYE, D.E.// HAILEY, C.E. (SANDIA NATIONAL LABS., ALBUQUERQUE, NM (UNITED STATES))Sandia National Laboratories(Sandia National Laboratories)1992.
Other Libraries in Japan
Hailey, C.E., Ingber, M.S., Tadios, E.L.Sandia National Labs.1989.1.
Other Libraries in Japan
Hailey, C.E., Clark, E.L., Buffington, R.J.Sandia National Labs.1988.1.
Other Libraries in Japan
Hickox, C.E., Hailey, C.E., Wolfe, W.P. [et al.]Sandia National Labs., Iowa State Univ. of Science and Technology1988.1.
Other Libraries in Japan