Methuen Children's Books1987, c1986.<Y19-A587>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHague, Kathleen. Hague, Michael
by Kathleen Hague ; illustrated by Michael HagueMethuen Children's1987, c1986
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by Kathleen Hague ; illustrated by Michael HagueMethuen Children's Book1986
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Kathleen Hague 著Holt,Rinehart and Winston1984年
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KathleenHague ; illusutraredbyMichaelHagueHarcourt Brace Jovanovich1985
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retold by Kathleen and Michael Hague ; illustrated by Michael HagueHarcourt Brace Jovanovichc1981
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retold by Kathleen & Michael Hague ; illustrated by Michael HagueHarcourt Brace Jovanovichc1980
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retold by Kathleen and Michael Hague ; illustrated by Michael HagueHarcourt Brace Jovanovichc1980
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Hague Kathleen/著, Hague Michael/画Methuen1986
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