by H. Poincaré ; authorized translation by George Bruce Halsted ; with a special preface by Poincaré ; and an introduction by Josiah RoyceForgotten Booksc2015
by Roberto Bonola ; authorized English translation with additional appendices by H.S. Carslaw ; with an introduction by Federigo Enriques ; with a supplement containing the Dr. George Bruce Halsted translations of The science of absolute space by John Bolyai ; The theory of parallels by Nicholas LobachevskiDover1955
by H. Poincaré ; authorized translation by George Bruce Halsted ; with a special preface by Poincaré ; and an introduction by Josiah RoyceScience Press1946
by H. Poincaré ; authorized translation by George Bruce Halsted ; with a special preface by Poincaré ; and an introduction by Josiah RoyceThe Science Press1913