by John Awdeley (licensed in 1560-1, imprinted then, and in 1565) from the edition of 1575 in the Bodleian Library . by Thomas Harman Esquiere, from the 3rd edition of 1567, belonging to Henry Huth, Esq., collated with the 2nd edition of 1567 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, and with the reprint of the 4th edition of 1573 . by Parson Haben or Hyberdyne, from the Lansdowne MS.98, and cotton vesp. A.25 . edited by Edward Viles & F.J. FurnivallPublished for the Early English Text Society by Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press1898
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- Author HeadingAwdelay, John, fl. Viles, Edward Furnivall, Frederick James Harman, Thomas, active 1567 Haben