Brothers Grimm/作, Harriet Pincus/絵Harcourt, Bracec1968
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- Author HeadingBrothers Grimm Harriet Pincus
Harriet Pincus 絵 Brothers・Grimm 原作Harcourt Brace1968
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHarriet Pincus Brothers・Grimm
Brothers Grimm/原作, Harriet Pincus/絵Harcourt braced & world1968
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- Author HeadingBrothers Grimm Harriet Pincus グリム兄弟
Harriet Pincus, The Brothers GrimmHarcourt1968
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- Author HeadingHarriet Pincus The Brothers Grimm
theBrotherGrimm by ; theBrotherGrimm by ; HarrietPincus withpicturesbyHarcourt,Brace & Worldc1968
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theBrothersGri HarrietPincusNew York Harcour1968
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story and pictures by Harriet PincusFarrar, Straus and Giroux1972
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by Lore Segal ; pictures by Harriet PincusFarrar, Straus and Girouxc1970
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a story by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Harriet PincusCollins1970
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byCarlSandburg ; picturesbyHarrietPincusCollins1968
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by Carl Sandburg ; pictures by Harriet PincusHarcourt, Brace & World[1967]
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by the Brothers Grimm ; with pictures by Harriet PincusHarcourt, Brace & Worldc1968
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by the brothers Grimm, ;with pictures by Harriet Pincushartcourt brace java1968
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Farrar, Straus and Giroux[1972]
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- ContributorStory and pictures by Harriet Pincus.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux[1970]
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- Contributorby Lore Segal. Pictures by Harriet Pincus.
The Brother GRIMM, Harriet PincusHarcourt,Brace & World, Inc.,
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