ecrit pour l'usage du Pape Innocent XI. par Urbano Cerri, avec une epître dédicatoire du chevalier Richard Steele au Pape Clement XI. contenant l'etat de la religion dans la Grande Bretagne, & autres particularitez sur la conjoncture présente, traduit de l'anglois.chez Pierre HumbertMDCCXVI. [1716]<WF1-33>
Written for the use of Pope Innocent XI., by Monsignor Cerri ... Now first translated from an authentick Italian ms. never publish'd. To which is added, a discourse concerning the state of religion in England. Written in French, in the time of K. Charles I. and now first translated. With a large dedication to the present pope; giving him a very particular account of the state of religion amongst Protestants; and of several other matters of importance relating to Great-Britain. By Sir Richard Steele.J. RobertsMDCCXV [1715].<WF3-64>