Evelyn Davies, Peter Town ; [illustrated by Jerry Hoare, Richard Geiger ; typography by Adrian Hodgkins]Heinemann English Language Teaching1992
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- Author HeadingDavies, Evelyn Town, Peter Geiner, Richard Hoare, Jerry Hodgkins, Adrian
Frank Mollica/著, Adrian Hodgkins/デザインGallery Booksc1990
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMollica Frank Hodgkins Adrian
John Maier/著, Jean Martin/デザイン, Adrian Hodgkins/デザインGallery Booksc1990
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- Author HeadingMaier John Martin Jean Hodgkins Adrian
compiled by the Association of Illustrators and the Association of Fashion, Advertising and Editorial Photographers ; edited by Jacqueline Hollister and Alison Theaker ; designed by Adrian HodgkinsRotovision1987
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- Author Heading...heaker, Alison Hodgkins, Adrian
compiled by the Design Council and the Association of Fashion, Advertising and Editorial Photographers ; edited by James Fullalove and Valerie Lawton ; designed by Adrian Hodgkins ; publisher's co-ordinators, Lesley Carver and Bobby FoxRotovision1987
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- Author Heading...awton, Valerie Hodgkins, Adrian Carver, Lesley Fox, Bobby
written and illustrated by Adrian Eliot HodgkinFaber and Faber1951
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written and illustrated by Adrian Eliot HodgkinA. S. Barnes & Company[19--]
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