John McMurry, David S.Ballantine, Carl A.Hoeger, Virginia E.Peterson [著], 菅原二三男, 倉持幸司 監訳丸善出版2018.1<RA71-L169>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John McMurry, David S.Ballantine, Carl A.Hoeger, Virginia E.Peterson [著], 菅原二三男, 倉持幸司 監訳, 倉持幸司, 浪越通夫, 宮下和之, 矢島新 訳丸善出版2018.1<RA71-L170>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John McMurry, David S.Ballantine, Carl A.Hoeger, Virginia E.Peterson [著], 菅原二三男 監訳丸善出版2015.1<RA71-L83>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John McMurry, David S.Ballantine, Carl A.Hoeger, Virginia E.Peterson [著], 菅原二三男 監訳丸善出版2014.3<RA71-L48>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John McMurry, David S.Ballantine, Carl A.Hoeger, Virginia E.Peterson [著], 菅原二三男 監訳, 菅原二三男, 浪越通夫, 宮下和之, 矢島新 訳丸善出版2014.3<RA71-L49>
National Diet LibraryOther Libraries in Japan
John McMurry ... [et al.] ; with contributions by Sara Madsen ; SI conversions by Christel Meert, Andrew PearsonPearsonc2018
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, John Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E. Madsen,...
John McMurry ... [et al.] ; with contributions by Sara MadsenPearsonc2017
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, John Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E. Madsen,...
Susan E. McMurryPearsonc2013
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, Susan McMurry, John Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E.
Susan E. McMurryPearsonc2013
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, Susan McMurry, John Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E.
John McMurry [ほか著] ; 菅原二三男 [ほか] 訳丸善出版2014.3-2015.1
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, John Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E. 菅原, 二三男
John McMurry ... [et al.]Prentice Hallc2010
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, John Castellion, Mary E. Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Peterson, Virginia E.
Susan E. McMurryPearson Prentice Hallc2010
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading... David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Pererson, Virginia E.
John McMurry ... [et al.]Pearson Prentice Hallc2010
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingMcMurry, John Castellion, Mary E. Ballantine, David Stephen Hoeger, Carl A. Pererson, Virginia E.