editors S. Hong and Y.I. Won Polar Sciences Laboratory : Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute 2001
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Author Heading Hong, S. Won, Y. I. Seoul Internationa... DELRE, S.// EPSTEIN, G.// HONG, S. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES)) Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory) 1993.
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Author Heading DELRE, S. EPSTEIN, G. HONG, S. GREENE, A.F.// GARBER, M.G.// GHOSH, A.K.// MCCHESNEY, D.// MORGILLO, A.// SHAH, R.// DELRE, S.// EPSTEIN, G.// HONG, S. // LICHTENWALNER, J. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES)) Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory) 1994.
Other Libraries in Japan
Author Heading ...S. EPSTEIN, G. HONG, S. LICHTENWALNER, J. GARBER, M.// GHOSH, A.K.// GREENE, A.// MCCHESNEY, D.// MORGILLO, A.// SHAH, R.// DELRE, S.// EPSTEIN, G.// HONG, S. // LICHTENWALNER, J. (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB., UPTON, NY (UNITED STATES)) Brookhaven National Laboratory(Brookhaven National Laboratory) 1994.
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Author Heading ...S. EPSTEIN, G. HONG, S. LICHTENWALNER, J. Tomohide, Nakano, Douai, D, Vartanian, S, Masakatsu, Fukumoto, H Son, S, H Jang, J, I Jeong, W, Kim, J, 芦川, 直子, H Hong, S, H Lee, H 2022-06-13
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2001 <YCA-Y 3.N 88:53/0198>
National Diet Library
Author Heading Hong, S. Joon U.S. Nuclear Regulatory ... Paper Microform 規格・テクニカルリポート類 Hong, S. A, Seo, I. Y, Lee, S. H1996 <LS-DE97/758971>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
edited by C.D. Jang and S.Y. Hong Seoul National University 2009
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Author Heading ...ea) Jang, C.D. Hong, S. Y. HONG, S. D.(et al.)Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 1997.
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Hong, S. D., 岡本 孝司, 高田 孝, 山口 彰2004-07 JNC TY9400 2004-011
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Author Heading Hong, S. D. 岡本 孝司 高田 孝 山口 彰 HONG, S. W.(et al.)Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 1996.
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HONG, S. W.(et al.)Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 1995.
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HONG, S. W.(et al.)1995.
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[by] Seong-Chan Hong, traduccion Eduardo Campelo Shinseken 2003.6 <Y17-B2600>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
LIM, HONG S. (HUGHES SPACE AND COMMUNICATIONS CO., TORRANCE, CA (UNITED STATES)) United States. Dept. of Energy(United States. Dept. of Energy) 1996.
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Author Heading LIM, HONG S. HONG, S. H.(et al.)Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 1994.
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HONG, S. R.(et al.)1994.
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HONG, S. S.(et al.)Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) 1994.
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ホン・ソンチャン さく・え, うめさわかよこ やく 新世研 2001.12 <Y18-N02-368>
National Diet Library Other Libraries in Japan
[by]Seong-Chang Hong, traduzido por Marlene Perlingeiro Shinseken 2002.6 <Y17-B1923>
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