Nancy Humphrey, George E. Peterson and Peter WilsonUrban Institutec1979
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- Author HeadingHumphrey, Nancy Peterson, George E. Wilson, P...
Nancy Humphrey, George E. Peterson, Peter WilsonUrban Institutec1979
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHumphrey, Nancy Peterson, George E. Wilson, P...
Nancy K. HumphreysGarland1989
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Julia M. Watkins, Dennis A. Watkins ; epilogue by Nancy A. HumphreysSpringer Pub. Co.c1984
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by Shuichi Aiba, Arthur E. Humphrey, Nancy F. MillisAcademic Press1973
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by Shuichi Aiba, Arthur E. Humphrey, Nancy F. MillisUniversity of Tokyo Press[1973]
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Shuichi Aiba, Arthur E. Humphrey, Nancy F. MillisUniversity of Tokyo Pressc1965
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