[editors, Tang Ting-Ao, Wenhong Li, Huihua Yu] ; sponsored by Chinese Institute of Electronics(CIE), Co-sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section, IEEE Beijing Branch, technically co-sponsored by IEEE-CAS, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaIEEE Operations Centerc2003
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- Author Heading...eijing Section IEE Beijing Branch IEEE-CAS National Natural Sci...
editor, Zhonglin Gong ; [sponsored by Chinese Institute of Electronics (CIE) ; technically co-sponsored by IEEE Antennas Propagation Society (AP-S), IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication Engineers, Japan (IEICE) ; co-sponsored by IEEE Beijing Section, IEE Beijing Branch, China Committee for URSI]IEEE Pressc2003
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