Jean-François Lyotard ; sous la direction de et introduit par Herman Parret ; postface de Dolorès Lyotard ; traduction, Vlad Ionescu, Erica Harris & Peter W. MilneLeuven University Pressc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLyotard, Jean François Parret, Herman Lyotard, Dolorès Ionescu, Vlad Harris, Erica Milne, Peter W.
Jean-François Lyotard ; sous la direction de et introduit par Herman Parret ; postface de Jean-Michel Durafour ; traduction, Vlad Ionescu, Erica Harris & Peter W. MilneLeuven University Pressc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author Heading...r, Jean-Michel Ionescu, Vlad Harris, Erica Milne, Peter W.
Jean-François Lyotard ; sous la direction de et introduit par Herman Parret ; postface de Gérald Sfez ; traduction, Antony Hudek, Vlad Ionescu & Peter W. Milne = Jean-François Lyotard ; edited and introduced by Herman Parret ; with an epilogue by Gérald Sfez ; translated by Antony Hudek, Vlad Ionescu & Peter W. MilneLeuven University Pressc2012
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLyotard, Jean François Parret, Herman Sfez, Gérald Hudek, Antony Ionescu, Vlad Milne, Peter W.
Jean-François Lyotard ; postface de Christiane Buci-Glucksmann ; sous la direction de Herman Parret ; traduction, Vlad Ionescu & Peter W. Milne = Jean-François Lyotard ; with an epilogue by Christiane Buci-Glucksmann ; edited by Herman Parret ; translated by Vlad Ionescu & Peter W. MilneLeuven University Pressc2009
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingLyotard, Jean François Buci-Glucksmann, Christine Parret, Herman Ionescu, Vlad Milne, Peter W.
by Vlad Ionescu and Adrian StoicaKluwer Academicc1999
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- Author HeadingIonescu, Vlad Stoica, Adrian
Vlad Ionescu, Cristian Oară, Martin WeissWileyc1999
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingIonescu, Vlad Oară, Cristian Weiss, Martin
Aristide Halanay, Vlad IonescuBirkhäuser Verlagc1994
Other Libraries in Japan
- Author HeadingHalanay, Aristide Ionescu, Vlad