a novel by J.J. Gardner, based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon, retold by John EscottPearson Education Limited2008
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- Author HeadingJ.J. Gardner Ed Solomon John Escott
a novel by J.J. Gardner ; based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPearson Education2008, c1998
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by J.J. Gardner ; based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPearson Education1999, c1998
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a novel by J. J. Gardner based on a screen story and screenplay by Ed Solomon ; retold by John EscottPenguin1998
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byJ.J.Gardner ; basedonascreenstoryandscreenplaybyEdSolomon ; retoldbyJohnEscott ; serieseditorsbyAndyHopkins ; serieseditorsbyJocelynPotterPenguin readers,1999.
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