Jack KirbyIDWc2017
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- Alternative TitleJack Kirby : pencils and inks
- Alternative TitleJack Kirby : pencils and inks
Stan Lee & Jack Kirbyアシェット・コレクションズ・ジャパン[2024.2]<Y84-R4851>
National Diet Library
EleniRoussos [著] ; StanLee [原作] ; JackKirby [原作]Marvel Worldwidec2018
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- Author HeadingEleni, Roussos Stan, Lee Jack, Kirby
Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Jim Sterankoアシェット・コレクションズ・ジャパン[2024.4]<Y84-R4936>
National Diet Library
Jack Kirby ... [et al.] ; foreword by Gene Luen Yang ; edited with an introduction by Ben SaundersPenguin Booksc2022
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by Jack Kirby ; written by France "Ed" Herron, Jack Kirby, Dave Wood ; pencilled by Jack Kirby ; inked by Roz Kirby ... [et al.] ; cover art by Jack KirbyDC Comicsc2012
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Stan Lee & Jack KirbyMarvel Worldwide2013
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Stan Lee, Jack Kirby & Don HeckMarvel Worldwide2011
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[writer], Stan Lee ; [penciler], Jack KirbyMarvelc2009
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[writer], Stan Lee ; [pencilers], Jack Kirby with Don HeckMarvel Worldwidec2009
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- Note (General)"pencilers: Jack Kirby (nos. 1-8), Don Heck (nos. 9,...
Joe Simon and Jack Kirby ; introduction by Neil Gaiman ; essays by Jim Simon ; art restoration and new colors by Harry Mendryk ; edited by Steve SaffelTitan Books2010
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Jack Kirby, writer/penciller ; Vince Colletta, Mike Royer, inkers ; John Costanza, lettererDC Comicsc2007
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Joe Simon and Jack Kirby ; introduction by Joe Simon ; essays by Mark Evanier ; art restoration by Harry Mendryk ; edited by Steve SaffelTitan Books2009
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Stan Lee, writer ; Jack Kirby, pencils ... [et al.]Marvel Comicsc2001
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edited by William Hoy, Peter S. Elliot ; based on the marvel comic book by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby ; story by John Turman and Mark Frost ; screenplay by Don Payne and Mark Frost ; directed by Tim Story20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン [distributor]c2008
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